Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Water Testing Connection

My groups project is on water pollution.

Our action project is an attempt to get pollutant levels down in our rivers and lakes. Lots of chemicals seep into our water from trash we throw on the ground or from run off. in this project we would attempt to raise awareness through educational campaigns about how the chemicals we release into the environment have effects on the ecosystem and id ways to reduce these levels.

In our bio bottle we are studying the effects of fertilizer and bug spray on the organisms in the bottle. we are going to measure the levels of phosphate, ph, and  temperature while also observing the growth and health of the organisms in contact with the chemicals.

The results from our water testing will help us to see which chemicals are the most impactful on the environment and allow us to see what the problem areas for our home town are. This will make our Action project more successful and targeted at our specific ecosystem

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Water treatment in Eaton Rapids

Yeaterday our class took a trip to the water treatment plant in Eaton rapids. Some interesting facts I learned were about where our water comes from and what chemicals have to do with it. Our water comes form 6 underground wells. 3 of the wells are 60 feel deep gravel wells. the other 3 are rock wells located by the river. These three wells were closer too 300 feet deep. I also didnt know that chemicals were put in our water. phosphate is one of these chemicals. it coats the inside of the pipes to keep the metal from leeching in. they also put in flouride which aids in bone and teeth health.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Lexus challenge


Water treatment and disposal

water treatment occurs in many ways. water around the world varry greatly and so does the process of purification. some of the more common methods include boiling, distillation and revese osmosis. boiling is pretty self explanitory and removes some impurities but anything not too large will not boil out and should be filtered. distillation is again the process of boiling water but instead of just using the boiled water it collects the steam and comdenses it. reverse osmosis uses water pressure to push water molocules through an extremely small membrane leaving the impurities behind. Eaton Rapids water comes from 5 ground water wells located a little north of the city. other cities get water from underground aquifers or pull from lakes and rivers.

how does roadside salt "polute"

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I used this website to calculate my carbon emissions. My carbon footprint is roughly 17,653 tons a year. the website was alright. It asked me about both vehicle and household emissions. It wasn't all that kid friendly but way more so than the EPA one I tried. 3 ways to reduce my carbon emissions would be to ride my bike more, use less electricity and get more efficient appliances. 3 ways to reduce to reduce the schools emissions would be to stop letting kids go out to lunch, force kids to ride th bus and reduce heating and cooling. 3 ways the community could reduce emissions would be to plant trees, wait longer before turning on the lights and have days to raise the awareness.

this project relates to the water table section because our emissions get into our water. the carbon and other stuff we put into the air gets back into our water and that run off goes into lake Michigan. the extreme amount of emissions that our community's produce hurt our ecosystems and that in turn hurts us.