Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I used this website to calculate my carbon emissions. My carbon footprint is roughly 17,653 tons a year. the website was alright. It asked me about both vehicle and household emissions. It wasn't all that kid friendly but way more so than the EPA one I tried. 3 ways to reduce my carbon emissions would be to ride my bike more, use less electricity and get more efficient appliances. 3 ways to reduce to reduce the schools emissions would be to stop letting kids go out to lunch, force kids to ride th bus and reduce heating and cooling. 3 ways the community could reduce emissions would be to plant trees, wait longer before turning on the lights and have days to raise the awareness.

this project relates to the water table section because our emissions get into our water. the carbon and other stuff we put into the air gets back into our water and that run off goes into lake Michigan. the extreme amount of emissions that our community's produce hurt our ecosystems and that in turn hurts us.

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