Monday, November 22, 2010

Climate Change

a) The natural mechanism of global warming is the reason for the earths climate being what it is. heat from the sun comes to us thorough radiation, this radiation is absorbed by the ground and radiated into the atmosphere which in turn re radiates it both upwards into space as well as back down towards earth. this causes the earth to have a higher temperature than it otherwise would. where this runs into problems is when gasses in the atmosphere become to high in concentration and too much heat is radiated back to earth causing the global temperature to increase above normal levels. (1) Three major greenhouse gasses are water vapor, CO2 and methane. Water vapor is a bit of a wild card at the moment although it contributes to global warming scientists aren't sure what causes it to greatly increase or decrease. Carbon Dioxide has been increasing more and more in recent years, this is due in part to deforestation as well as increased emissions from burning fossil fuels. Methane is the third major greenhouse gas and  is caused mostly by animal emissions and has been caused to increase as animal farming has grown in size. (2) (3) (4) Water vapor is a huge factor in global warming. A 10% increase in water vapor levels causes the climates rate of increase to go up by 30 %. Methane however is the largest contributor to climate change and is 25 times more impactful than carbon dioxide. Speaking of Carbon Dioxide although it is the most commonly thought of and combated it is the least impactfull in regards to climate change. this said it is increasing at the fastest rate. Methane emissions are growing relatively slowly and water Vapor in the stratoshpere has decreased by 10% since 2000. (4) (2) (3)

b) Natural mechanisms also have and effect on climate change. Because the world is so naturally well  balanced in terms of emission intake and output, and the fact that it still is today, shows us that even these events although they do increase emissions they don't increase them by a non-recoverable amount. take volcanoes for example. Volcanoes go off every year, Carbon Dioxide emissions annually are 150 times less than the emissions of humans. Poeple are the largest contributers to Climate change and if we wish to combat it we must start with ourselves.

1., Greenhouse effect, J. Jacob, Wikimedia Foundation, November 18 2010
2. Roberta Barbalace. CO2 Pollution and Global Warming. Nov. 7, 2006. Accessed on-line: 11/22/2010
3., Global Warming Strategy, Noam Mohr, Earthsave, 2005.
4., stratospheric water vapor, Science Daily, Susan Solomon, National Oceanic and Atmosheric Administration,  Febuary 1st 2010.
5., how volcanoes work, 2005

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